Create your 12-month plan for your B2B corporate consulting practice

Build your confidence, presence and influence as female consultant for 2025

Do you...

  • Want to have a plan for your B2B consulting practice in 2025 but unsure where to focus your efforts?

  • Wondering what corporate clients are looking for in 2025?

  • Doing too much 'friendtoring' and struggling to charge what you're worth?

  • Not getting enough enquiries and leads?

  • Struggle with self-doubt, confidence and thinking it's just easier to go back to a job?

  • Feel the impact of the imposter syndrome and fear being 'found out'?

In today's workforce, more than 60% of small businesses are started by women. And many of these women say they struggle with their confidence to brand market and sell themselves.

Consulting is a vulnerable space to play in, and women in consulting constantly battle the imposter syndrome. They may feel not good enough, smart enough or clever enough to have a voice and share ideas and solutions in a fast-moving world of disruption and change.

As female consultants, we often second guess ourselves.

We don't want to look like a know it all. We struggle to speak up because we're afraid of saying the wrong thing or being judged. Or we hope that our hard work will speak for itself and we get us noticed.

Today, it's about learning ways to take the lead in your own practice and demonstrate your expertise as an industry leader and a woman in consulting. It's about learning to have the confidence and conviction to know what you stand for, lead the conversation and become the best version of you so you can achieve your greatest potential in your life's work.

Women With Influence

As a result of attending this half-day workshop, you will:

  • Create your vision for your consulting practice and identify what living the dream looks like for you

  • Learn about what is keeping your clients awake at night and the problems they are needing help to solve in 2025

  • Have a 2025 plan, knowing what to focus on for the next 12 months

  • Create a network of other women in corporate consulting and connect with others in our community

  • Know what sets you apart and makes you exceptional to your audience

  • Be able to ask questions and identify blocks you may be having in growing your practice

  • Identify your sales targets and how to price your offerings

What we'll cover:

  • Identify your vision and for your practice and goals for the next 12 months

  • Discover the key trends for 2025 and what your clients are looking for help with

  • Elevate your mindset and overcome money blocks to grow your revenue and stop giving your services away for free

  • Learn about the top AI tools women in Consuting are using to grow their advisory practices

  • Create your sales targets so you have specific annual and quarterly goals to work towards

This program is ideal for you if you:

  • Are a female executive coach, thought leader, speaker, trainer or facilitator in B2B corporate consulting services (or want to be)

  • Want to grow your consulting practice in 2025 to 6 or 7 figures

  • Want to shift from struggling to thriving in your practice

  • Want to know more where to focus your time, energy, effort over the next 12 months

  • Want to structure and to make more conscious choices about the growth of your practice and have a plan for the next 12 months

What you'll receive

  • Half-day interactive workshop where you create your business plan for the next 12 months (valued at $500)

  • 12-month 1-page practice planning template to help you stay on track and focus your efforts in 2025 (valued $500)

  • Undertake the Exceptional Consultant Assessment to help you to identify the specific areas to focus on for your growth in your practice over the next 12 months (valued at $100)

  • Special report: 10 AI tools to use to grow your consulting practice in 2025 (valued at $50)

  • A copy of "Women with Influence", a book of 12 case studies of women who have created their dream consulting practices (valued at $30)

Total Value: over $1180

Investment: $297+GST

Due to the confidential conversations in this live online event, it will not be recorded or distributed post the event.

Date: Wednesday, 20th November 2024

Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm AEST (Brisbane Time)

Location: Live Online via Zoom

Early Bird Rate

$197 + GST

Ends on 20th October 2024

Standard Fee Rate

$297 + GST

Starts on 21st October 2024

What Jane's community of Women in Consulting have said:

Dr Louise Mahler | Gravitas Master

"Do yourself no better favour than this: work with Jane Anderson.

To have a champion of the industry on my side makes me wonder, why I did not start earlier.

While also having a magnificent overview of the industry and my business within it, Jane is totally hands on down the last full stop, helping me expand my streams of income, filling the gaps with whatever is needed.

Jane is not only someone who provides personalised service, she is flexible, attentive and drives every aspect through every week, following up, making sure she has her finger on the pulse at all times.

Here’s the secret, being around excellence breeds excellence and a secondary benefit to working with Jane is imitation. Her skills guide what I do now with my own clients. I want to be Jane! (Don’t panic Jane, different field) What greater compliment could you offer.”

Alena Bennett | Leadership Expert and CFO Coach

"Jane changed my life. Before working with Jane the growth of my practice was reliant on word of mouth. It was growing but there was no certainty. I had a gut feel that working with Jane was going to be the game changer I needed and boy I was right! Within 6 months I had exceeded all my (very loose) expectations and within 12 months my list increased 625% and revenue increased 222%!! 

The robustness of Jane's process and methodologies are just some of the things that makes her work so impactful. I can now be 100% confident in the value of my programs because of the guidance that Jane has provided. I can be light and detached because Jane has shared with me her repeatable processes, systems, methodologies that work - AND all wrapped up in the most generous bow possible which is the ongoing cheer squad that is Jane. I'm so grateful and can hand on heart say that if you're looking to catapult the trajectory of your practice, Jane is your go-to."

Alison Crabb | Retail Leadership Expert

"Since working with Jane, I realised that I could be better spending my time on things such as writing the book and creating better marketing documents and collateral to sell my programs.

The positive experience each week really forces me to be accountable to do what otherwise would have been wasted. I now have new clients, I have a great LinkedIn profile, I have the right collateral, landing pages, brochures and white papers. My newsletters are all done at once and they're batched and ready to go. I also have my systems in Asana, set up effectively to bring on my first business manager and support for me.

Considering it was a year where most people had a difficult year. I'm grateful that I had a 10% increase in sales, considering it includes a quarter where I had very low revenue. I am also now about to write my second book.I am well and truly on track for 2022 to be an exceptional year! "

Stacey Ashley | Leadership Expert

"Jane is a master of her craft. Always learning and growing so she has more to offer her tribe.

She not only knows what you need to do to become an influencer, she shares how to do it in easy steps you can take fast or slower.

 Jane is incredibly generous, always looking to offer more value and wisdom.

 If you need help to elevate your brand, your market positioning, your authority, your influence, then chat with Jane about how she can help. You can thank me later."

Ally Nitschke | Leadership Expert

“Since September last year, I have experienced the biggest shifts in both money and mindset around what's possible for me and my practice. I've sold more in the last month than I have in the entire year in my business... and it was fun!"

Some key achievements in my last 9 months include:

Delivered an industry association presentation and achieved the goal of getting over 150 people to sign up for my newsletter and wanting more information. I have a large number of meetings booked and I've been able to increase and manage my day rate.

Leaving my government job and now able to focus on your practice full time

List has increased 360%

Revenue from 19/20 - 20/21FY increased by 391%

110 pieces of Thought Leadership + weekly podcast, weekly radio show,

Rise of the Courageous leader book written and currently with the editor

Several whitepapers plus multiple programs for clients.

I'm so grateful to have the community of Joyful Selling, to be able to come back to base each week and celebrate wins, share challenges and tap into the groups' expertise to help me grow in my practice.”

Jessica Schubert | Leadership and Future of Work Expert 

"I'm so grateful for what I've learned from Joyful Selling over the last 10 months and from the ladies in the community. I'm about to finish my book, I completed collateral such as landing pages, brochures, my speaker page and I'm more focused on my day to day sales and delivery.Not only have I been able to move from contracting to now focusing on my practice 100%, I'm working with the clients I love, I've replaced the revenue from my consulting work and have set a solid cadence for the future growth of my practice!"


Who's Jane Anderson?

Jane Anderson is the founder of "Women with Influence", Australia's leading community for female consultants selling to large organisations. She helps consultants t grow their businesses through building their confidence, presence and influence in a noisy world.

With over 20 years of experience at the intersection of marketing, sales and systems, Jane has helped over 180,000 people across 5 countries to create an exceptional personal brand. She is a certified speaker, coach and has been featured on Sky Business, The Today Show, The Age, Sydney Morning Herald, BBC & Management Today.

The author of 13 books, Jane typically speaks at conferences, runs workshops, consults and coaches female consultants to communicate more powerfully to achieve their goals.

Jane holds one of the top 1% viewed LinkedIn profiles & is the host of the "Jane Anderson Show" Podcast where she has interviewed some of the world's leading thinkers including Seth Godin.

She has been nominated for and won 54 industry awards for her expertise in marketing, sales and coaching and voted in the top 3 branding and sales experts globally.

Date: Wednesday, 20th November 2024

Time: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm AEST (Brisbane Time)

Location: Live Online via Zoom

Early Bird Rate

$197 + GST

Ends on 20th October 2024

Standard Fee Rate

$297 + GST

Starts on 21st October 2024

  • Here's some stuff